
Monday, July 21, 2014

Shows I'm currently watching


Ever since I got back home, I've been doing nothing but watch TV the whole day. Ok, I kinda tutor my bro as well. 

So, these are the shows I'm currently watching:

1. Get it Beauty
Watch Get it Beauty 2014 online
So, I bet most of you know a Taiwanese show called Ladies First or more commonly known as 女人我最大. 
This is kind of like the Korean version of it.
For latest episodes with english subtitles, watch it here:

2. Investiture of the gods
This show is about ancient China with Gods & Semi-Gods included. 
I love this kind of shows. 
The opening song sucks and you wouldn't want to watch this show based on that but trust me, once you actually watch the show, you're gonna be hooked!
I watch this on Astro Quanjia. 

3. Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little Liars, new poster season 5, July 2014.jpg
This show needs no introduction.
Yes, I'm watching season 5.
You can watch all the seasons & also find the latest episodes on 
Since I discovered this site, I never watch english series anywhere else. 

4. All Astro on Demand Shows! :P

So, that's it for now.

Will update my blog soon enough.

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